Now and at the Hour of Death
As St. James writes in the Bible,
"Is anyone among you sick? He should summon the presbyters of the church,
and they should pray over him and anoint [him] with oil in the name of the Lord, and the prayer of faith will save the sick person,
and the Lord will raise him up. If he has committed any sins, he will be forgiven." James 5:14-15
At the first signs of grave sickness or impending surgery, please call the church so that we can schedule the celebration of the Anointing of the Sick.
At the death of a loved one, please call the church prior to making funeral arrangements at any of the area mortuaries. This will allow us to set forth the options within the official Rites for Christian Burial for Catholics.
This file will outline the three stages of celebrations for the deceased: the Vigil, the Mass of Christian Burial with the Rite of Farewell, and finally the Rite of Committal.
A list of appropriate scriptures has also been compiled for the Funeral of an ADULT and a list for the Funeral of a CHILD.
The Planning Guide will allow you to keep track of the selections and ministers which will become a part of the various ceremonies. Not all selections/categories apply to every situation. This is a tool not a commitment to be carved in stone.
Our parish also offers spaces in the Holy Family Columbarium.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let eternal light shine upon them.
May their soul and all the souls of the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace.